A time to be grateful/thankful

I survived Disney World and the plane ride there and back (Tampa to Orlando and back, short flight, yes) with an infant and a 5 year old however, came back to a computer that was completely paralyzed by a virus. (I am trying not to blame my husband) So, after a week of no computer, here I am again!

Which, by the way, so many different blogs have run in and out of my head since then. I don’t even know where to begin.

Well, I will give you a quick run down of some of them.

First, I think I might have figured out why I am so afraid of flying. I think I am afraid because of the cattle car type feeling I have sitting in coach and how the flight attendants give you little or no attention and I feel like such a ‘nothing’ flying now. See, I used to fly a lot growing up and after college I had 2 jobs that found me traveling a lot. One, I was working for a travel company booking other peoples trips and I worked for one of the airlines so, I flew a lot on our employee passes and two, I worked for a company doing their company trips for clients.

So, because I traveled so much, and it was before 9/11, I frequently flew with friends, co-workers, the airlines, knew we were business travelers so, we were treated much better plus, most of my flights were in first class.

Well, on Thursday morning as we were checking in for our Sun Country flight, I was very fearful of flying with my 6 month old and my 5 year old without my husband. Then, I see the sign on the counter, “$99 First Class Upgrades” I asked if there were any and there were so, I promptly upgraded.

It was wonderful, I felt like I was home again! All of my fears of flying seemed to vanish immediately and I relaxed, and enjoyed the flight the same way I had enjoyed flying when I was younger. I somehow felt safer and I didn’t feel like a nobody. The flight attendants talked to me and my daughters almost the entire trip, they were very helpful and were so grateful for us to be on their airline. (That is a whole other issue for those of you who don’t live in Minnesota)

My fears weren’t completely based on bad people, they were also based on my discomfort in coach, the tiny seats, the bad food, or lack there of food and a very absent flight crew. I realized that I had always felt comfortable as long as they were around, if they weren’t around, or I hadn’t seen them in a long time, I would panic.

No panicking on my flight down and on our flight home, I made sure I had bulk head seating so, I was in row 4 on the plane, the only rows ahead of me were first class. Somehow for me, just being that close and being able to see the flight attendants up there kept me calm again.

So, I will have to remember those $99 upgrades and/or hope for bulkhead in my future travels.

Our trip to Disney World was great. The weather was very cold though. My poor 5 year old shivered most of the time. Plus, my mother keeps her house at a freezing 64-65degrees all year round and our home is always a super comfy 71-72 degrees. So, at night when the temp would dip into the 30’s outside, my mother kept the furnace off so, my daughters and I would lay in our beds and shiver.

She couldn’t believe we didn’t bring warmer pjs. Well, in our house, most of us sleep in undies or t-shirts, the baby is the only one who sleeps in a sleeper. I guess I should have known in Florida I would need winter pjs! LOL.

I will say if any of you get the opportunity to go to Disney World/Magic Kingdom, have lunch in Cinderella’s Castle! It was so neat!!!! It books up though, you have to book it at least 6 months in advance and it is pretty expensive but, well worth it. The food was fantastic, great choices, they met all of our food allergies head on and had gluten free pasta for my daughter and a choice of soy vanilla ice cream, rice vanilla ice cream or sorbet for her dessert!

Plus, they sang to her for her birthday and each girl got a wand and the boys got swords and the princesses walked around taking pictures with everyone. Not to mention that you overlooked the rides behind the castle and it really feels like you are dining in a castle. Plus, the service was terrific.

I would also recommend spending the extra money to do the special nightly things at Magic Kingdom. This time of year the park is all decorated for Christmas a there are some select nights that the park closes at 7pm and you can purchase special tickets to a truly magical evening.

It was snowing on Main Street! All of the employees are dressed for the holidays, the shops are all playing Christmas music and Santa is even there for Christmas photos. Plus, there was a great parade with all the characters singing carols and Santa at the end. Then, shortly after the parade, the fireworks. First let me say, the castle was draped in lights from top to bottom and it was so beautiful! If I can figure out how to upload a photo I will.

I have so many more things running through my head to write about but, I am so tired!

Before I leave, I want to tell all of you to have a terrific Thanksgiving tomorrow and take the time to sit down and really think about all the things in your life you are Thankful for.

I know my list is long but, a few of them are, I am thankful for the addition to our family Libby. She has been such a blessing to us. I am thankful for great friends, a fantastic husband and wonderful children. I am thankful for a job for my husband this year, finally after 4 years of unemployment and I am thankful for a church that feels like home and the people inside that feel like family. I am also very thankful for the opportunity to see Disney World through my children’s eyes and to be able to bring them there.

There are so many other things I am truly Thankful for, what are some of your things you are thankful for this year?

Many wonderful blessings upon all of you and I will write again soon.

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