Meet Sandy
About Me
Hi, my name is Sandy Divine, a full-time mom boss! I live in Tampa, Florida. I love beaches, anything vintage or antique and especially the pinup lifestyle!
Motherhood and Marriage has been beautiful and hard, yet all at the same time worth it. I would not trade my life and my family.
Through this blog, I’m reaching back to who I needed and I’m here to help you too. I just want to see us all win!
I’m here to inspire moms to not give up on themselves, their marriage, their kids, their passions or their voice. The blog is also here to help moms discover real life hacks & solutions to the everyday mom life struggles. This is also a platform for YOU to share YOUR truth & help other moms in the same boat. So feel free to leave comments on all of my articles!
Let’s connect through the blog, social media, meet-ups etc. If you know someone who needs to see other moms who are rising above their struggles, and making it work, send them here. We have a mom tribe waiting for them